Wednesday 10 August 2016

what is a simple machine?

What is a simple machine?
A simple machine is a object that you apply a force to past to other side using the same amount of force in a different way.

On a simple machine we can saw the law of conservation of energy. It takes the energy to past in a different form.

knife athame use for rituals from witch.

The knife have been a important instrument throught generations. the homosapiens start using the rocks to sharpen it and cut whatever they need.
We in the past use a lot of types of knife , this instrument helps to the began of hunt, for example arrows, axe, etc.

the knife also cut but it did a lot of changes in the past. for exmaple my image from the knife was used in a witch ritual , those rituals were prohibit in the midle age.

Yes, all the objects have physical properties and chemical properties. 
some physical properties

  • metal odor.
  • color silver.
  • solid.
  • sharp.


Yes, the chemical properties are those that you cant see it, if you want to know this properties you have to measure it.
Some of this properties of my object are
  • oxidation
  • reacts with acid.
  • freezing point
  • melting point.
  • density.
  • weight 

the knife use the kinetic and potencial energy:

when we use the knife the force of our arms past to the handle, then the handle to the sheet.
Here we see the kinetic energy.

We saw the knife using the kinetic energy pasing to the vegetable .

The potencial energy we saw it when we hold up it. If we let it drop the gravity force will transform the potencial energy to kinetic energy.

the two arrows shows the two basics movements of the knife, if the knife goes up is potential energy, if goes down is kinetic energy.

Now if we look , why the knife cut? we say that is by pressure,a good knife has a sheet with a sharpened edge, have a small surface area.

if the surface area is small the pressure that you need is less.

as bigger the surface area you will need more pression to cut somenthing.

    fisical and chemical changes 

    the knife is made of aluminium, the aluminium is a good conductor.

    when it enter in contact in air create a sheet of akuminium oxide.

    types of simple machine.

    Lever-Wheel-Inclined plane-Screw-Lathe-Pulley

    cradle:is the use of a prism of triangular shape to use it tinner side cut somethinng

    reactors with my simple machine (aluminium)

    aluminium+nitric acid------> hydrogen+aluminium nitrate.

    aluminium+sulfuric acid------> hygrogen+ aluminium sulfate.

    aluminium+hydrocloric acid------> hydrogen+aluminium chloride.

    aluminium+oxigen---------> aluminium oxide+ hydrogen.

    aluminium+water-------> aluminium+water

    it doesn't react because this metal cant dissolve in water.The aluminium only sinks.

    27 april of 2010 by Angeles Mendez
    9 august 2016 last edite . different autors